
Sunday, January 31, 2010

Day 24: Laziness & Judson's first steps!

Laziness is a funny thing, we oft times mistake it for rest, then one day wake up and wonder where our week went. I came to Shane and Lindsay's to have a siesta from my travels with mosquito nets and squatty potties, but what I've found is that I've lulled myself into laziness. Today I accomplished none of my goals, and I know, I know, "I'm on vacation", but when did that give me license to disconnect from my passions?I know this is not like most of my other blogs and perhaps I'm just in a mood, but it's time for me to be purposeful with my days again. If there is nothing new physically to explore, than it's my mind that I must dive into. I have 7 Children's books to write and a screenplay to complete. Life is too short and too precious to let the days be stolen away, so tomorrow I shall write.

Now with that said I must concern myself with a few points of commentary from today. First I attended an Indonesian Baptist English speaking service this morning. Yeah, if I read that church service description, I'd make some strong assumptions as well, so here's the real skinny. We enter to 10 people in the pews and one Indo women standing at the front preaching, I believe, because she speaks acceptable broken English. Her sermon consisted of a random collection of verses ranging from Deut to 1 Samuel to John. Strung together by obtuse analogies that involved forgetful pooping pastors and breakable pieces of rope. And if that were not enough, she was followed by a 4 piece band playing hymnals at an alarmingly slow and almost unreconizable rate. Now looking back, I wish I had captured it on video, cut right, it could of been a brilliant YouTube sensation. 

We then picked up Lindsay from the medical missions location she was assisting at, and proceeded to lunch at their favorite joint, S2. We returned home for all three of the Mikeska's naps while I hit a coffee shop to catch up on emails and such. 

But what tonight was a bit of magic. I had committed to Shane and Linds to watch Judson tonight so they could attend a Grand Opening at Hardjono's Blue Lotus Cafe. Before they left I threatened that I would get Judson to take his first steps in their absence, completely kidding of course. And then what do you think happened? While standing against the fridge playing with the magnet letters and farm animals, he turned toward me to show me what was in his hands. He stepped away from the fridge and I held out my hands at least a two feet away, and he took three steps before grabbing my fingers. I was floored. Typically as he steps away from anything, he immediately folds his legs in so as to land on his rump without any pain, but not this time. When they came home, he was tired and threatened to repeat it, but got lazy an did the spaghetti leg thing instead. Regardless, the experience was amazing, Judson was endearing, and I was in awe. 

So beyond that, what else is there really left to tell? It's time for bed. 

Nite nite from the iPhone blogger!        

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