
Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Day 5: The Upgrade

7:30am: Awake
Both my travel buddy Chris and I awoke before 8. We had fallen asleep before midnight and both were itching for some good sleep. Hit up breakfast at  where else, Treehouse, and then went out to find a hotel with AC and hot water. 

10am: Arena Hotel
We find this great little resort off the alley off of Poppies 1, maybe 200 feet past the alley where our first stay was. It had an infinity pool, hot water, proper showers, and ... Air Conditioning!  Pics to come soon.

11:30am: Surfing Time
Chris got a surf board, and we headed to the beach. I refrained because of my wounds and if you saw the water, you'd understand. I'm doing my best to keep my wounds dry and clean. Infection in a third world country ... not my idea of a blast. I got an umbrella and lounger for $3 and read The Alchemist while he battled the chop to stand up. Because I'm a single the ladies selling massages and fruit and wares have not left me alone. I have said "no thank you" about 100 times, yet they keep coming back. Chris says be rude, but I haven't the heart yet, especially with the tiny old toothless ones. So I stay as distracted as possible by writing this blog or reading. 

2:30pm The Winds
So we were making new buds on the beach, a tweaked Brit and a Canadian musician, when a gale came off the ocean and sent sand into awkward orifices as it blew our towels and shoes assunder. We scampered to grab all our stuff and headed back to the "posh" hotel, as Chris calls it. Chilled by the pool with the Swedes and then headed to the AC to read, clean up, and rest. 

9pm: Meet the Three
On our way to dinner we run into three travelers that were staying at our old hotel. Polly, Lindsay, and Joff ... really great crew and new facebook friends. Can you guess which two are from England? They talked us into heading down another alley to a food joint that was cheaper than Treehouse ... And it was. $1 for chicken fried rice and $1 for a banana milkshake. Then we headed to the bars and got caught in a torrential downpour while throwing back Bintang on a patio bar. Well I was having Aguaria cause Bintang tastes like piss. Luckily they have wifi, thus why I am finishing this post for y'all. Until tomorrow.    

Nite nite from the Iphone Blogger  

1 comment:

Corey Mason said...

enjoy the journey my friend.

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