
Saturday, January 23, 2010

Day 16: And my stomach was a rumbling ...

Stayed up watching a Discovery Channel show on how they solve murders called ID and a show on animal planet about a snake bite trauma unit - one word - Fascinating! Went to bed around 2am and awoke at 8am ... Blurgh, not enough sleep, but my body has it's own clock. Fattened myself up at the all you can eat buffet at the hotel & started to pack. It's amazing how quickly your bag can fill, even if you don't buy anything. I might have to start throwing things away or get a backpack for my front. I thought my plastic bag packing system was without fail ... Fail! Finished cramming everything in, then had to board my motor bike with an extra helmet, over the shoulder bag, and big backpack ... It was a sight! If I had just balanced something on my head I would of looked like a native. 

Decided I would plug in at a local coffee cafe and partake of some Cookies & Cream coffee blended goodness. Once I sat and ordered, I find the Internet is not working ... Fail! 

Brit joined me at the cafe, finished his sermon, I read my book "Naked Gospel", and partook of some of the food at the  cafe. Not sure if it was the spicy alfredo or the 2000mg of Calcium I took, but I started to sweat and my stomach started to twist. Uh oh ... Bali belly? Food poisoning? Too many vitamins? Whatever it was, I made I to the public toilet just in time. Imagine a place with 3 solid walls and a big wooden door, no ventilation, tiled walls, out in 85 degree heat & you will understand where I was to relieve myself. I won't bore you with the details, but if you've ever peed fire from your arse, you know the drill. The GREAT thing here is that they have these hoses next to the toilets instead of toilet paper, please take that with a bit of sarcasm. Though I do like the refreshing spritz and think generally it's probably cleaner, I'm a man of conventional throne qualities and want some tee pee. And with the backsplash from my initial ordeal, I'm rinsing more than a small area and don't want "wet arse" all day. After 20 minutes of sweating and dehydrating my body, I felt a calm come over my midsection, it was over, well almost. I spritzed the area, which left me dripping from my undercarriage to my boys, with some moisture reaching high crack. Something had to be done and my options were limited. 1. I could use my tanktop which I had removed in the beginning of the incident. 2. I could use my shorts on the legs, like I do with my hands whenever there are no paper towels (an often occurence in Bali). Or 3. I could use my undies & freeball it. So which do you think I chose?  Option 4: I had some cash in my pocket, mostly smaller Rupiahs, four 1,000 bills and one 10,000 to be exact, and they did the trick. That amounted to about $1.50 USD which I would of gladly paid for a few squares of tee pee, so it was a worthy sacrifice. Ironically my cell phone picked up a wifi signal and I found myself with 62 emails when I checked my phone for duration time. 

We got back to Brit's pad and he made the suggestion that we should go for a run on the beach - I think we all know what he was implying. We jogged much of it, but walked a fair portion as well, thanks to my pleas for mercy. We ran into some Javenese students studying English who wanted to practice on us as well as take pictures with us. Maybe I'm strange, but I'm the guy always trying to get people out of my pics on the beach. Anyhow, after the run, the sun was setting, so I grabbed my iPhone and camera and headed to the beach. The sunset was brilliant and I wanted to capture it all. I turned on my camera, pointed it in the right direction, snapped one pic, and it told me it was full. What?! And them it hit me, I left the freaking SD card in the camera case ... Blurgh! So had to settle for some iPhone pics and headed back to the house. 

Rami called and we agreed to grab some grub and check out a little nite life in Kuta. We ate for cheap cheap, had a few drinks, and hit up a few places. The first was some 2nd story bar overlooking Legian, the main bar strip, across from the 2002 Bombing Memorial. A Reggae band was killing it so we stayed for a bit. Next stop was a placed called Bounty which was pretty much Spring Break Daytona Beach. Many were without shirts, majority of people were kids, and literally some looked like they were 12, drink in hand. It was definitely interesting to experience but I felt like I crashed someones white trash prom or I was the chaperone. Crazy. 

It began to rain, so with a few unexpected detours, I dropped Rami off and headed for Brits. Ok, time for sleep from the iPhone blogger, nite nite.  

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