
Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Day 25: Philospihical Theology and GI JOE

So I thought about the highlights of my day, and other than chilling with Judson, one of them was most definitely the movie theater. It was a bit reminiscent of the states, other than the subtitles dancing across the bottom of the screen, with regards to a quality experience. We saw GI Joe, apparently they just got it, and for about $4 I bought our tickets, popcorn, and drink - now that's what I'm talking about! And surprisingly, the chairs were large and really comfortable, the picture and sound were stellar, the popcorn and drink were spot on ... a pleasant experience. 

Earlier that afternoon, while Shane and I were at the mall, we got into an interesting conversation about the church. We spoke about our differing opinions on Sunday morning service, the role of pastors, pastoral leadership, and how it's done around the states and internationally. We spoke of the emergent church and the Acts 29 movement as well as liberal and conservative ideals. It was a breath of fresh air for the both of us. He rarely has the chance to converse like that in Indo, people here just don't question what they have been taught or pursue knowledge outside the box. For me in LA, I don't tend to have as many philosophical theology conversations, but ones much more about pragmatic application and implications on lifestyle. And lets be honest, the chances of me having anymore of these on my travels is slim to non-existent. Unless I happen to run into a crew of European athiets who love to discuss God and reason,  which I am actually very open to. 

So my night ended with a good 2 hour conversation on Skype with a fellow Entreprenuer in LA about what I will do when I return. I again am going to bed way too late! 

Nite nite from the iPhone blogger

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