
Sunday, February 14, 2010

Day 36: Phi Phi, Thai Boxing, The Crush

Bus picks us up at 7:15 am so I wake at 6:30 ... You know how well that goes in my world. So let me rephrase the first sentence. Bus picks us up at 7:15am, so I begrudgingly drag my arse, kicking and screaming, out of bed. Ok, that's more accurate. I head up to the 3rd floor, where the Swedes stay, to make sure they're handling the early call better than I. They are up, but from the look on their faces, the verdict is still out.

Aside: Oh and for those who are unfamiliar with hostels, they come in all styles and sizes. This one has a reception area, large common area room, 3 private rooms with either 4 or 5 beds each, a toilet room and a shower room. Then you step outside a door, which is covered but literally outside, and take stairs to the 2nd and 3rd floors, where there are several large rooms with multiple bunks, a bank of sinks, toilets, and shower rooms, per each floor. Each bedroom has aircon but the rest of the space is open air.

Bus takes us 45 minutes to the port, up and over the mountains to the other side of the peninsula. There we catch the ferry for a 2 hour ride across the bay to the island of Kho Phi Phi Don ... the one with accommodations and restaurants, etc. This was my first real test with my motion sickness wrist bands from REI, they work like a charm, but the seas were calm, the boat is huge and seats probably 500 plus, so not sure if this was a true test. On the boat, we hang with three Aussie girls that were also at the hostel in Patong Beach. Ironically none of us know their names nor do we ask, not sure why. We position ourselves to run off the boat so we can get to one of only two hostels first. This hostel, the Rock, has a first come first serve policy & there were a number of other backpackes on the boat, so we made a dash through town, picked up an Aussie guy, Nick, on the way, and get there to find they only have 3 bunks available in the dorm. The dorm room bunks are only 250 baht, so less than $10usd, a sweet deal on Phi Phi. But still, we have the problem that there are 6 of us. Mon the manager said he also manages the Tara Inn Hotel and 3 of us can have a room for 1200 baht there, which equates to $13usd/night, so I, Manne and Joseph agree to take that room and give Eric, Martin, and Nick the bunks. Joseph decides to try and bargain with Mon for a better price on the room. Mon asks, "where you from?" He replies Sweden, but Mon says, "no, not with those eyes, where you from?" Oh, his Dad is Syriac, his mom is from Lebanon, but both grew up in Lebanon and he is born in Sweden. Mon says, "I knew it because you argue so much. I show you room". During the whole conversation, Mon is a hard read, so sarcastic and his English needs work. He also focuses all his energy on Joseph, no matter what any of us ask or say - that is weird.

The view from our hotel room was amazing and we could see both bays. We have an airconditioner in the room, but we would have to pay an extra 500 baht to use it, so we decline and stick with a fan. Since we are higher up, the breeze is strong and we can take cold showers before bed.

We head down to the Pirates Bay Restaurant for some grub, and grub down we did. We head back to the room to change and hit up the main beach. The tide was out so you literally had to walk 100 meters on mush and then it was at least 500 meters out before the water level was more than a meter ... Way too far. Plus it was sand intermixed with coral, so you had to watch your step or your feet would suffer the consequences. So we headed back to town to explore, Manne comments that it's "cozy". What does that mean? "I dont know, it's cozy, like the other night when we (reference to him and the other Swedes) watched Notting Hill twice in a row, it was a cozy night. It's a big word, use it many times, girl can be cozy, guy can be, your feet can be, it means many things". Yeah, that does not help. But I am pretty sure in America we would call this town quaint, so I'm gonna go with that for this definition. We spen an hour walking and checking out tour rates for a full day of snorkeling and head back to the room. We are all hungry again and this time we hit up a cheaper place at the foot of the steps of "The Rock" dorms.

Joseph heads to Mon's reception area off the street, down the stairs from the Inn and down the way from the hostel. I meet him there after running into the 3 Aussie girls again, 2nd time since landing on Phi Phi, and find out Mon has given a special wifi connection to Joseph. I ask him about it but he keeps saying I can just use his computer, but why would I do that when I have my Iphone. After 5 minutes of arguing, we ask him about getting into the dorm rooms for tomorrow and about snorkeling trip prices. He says with a scowl, "Yeah, I do trips, I see you talk to them bout trip", referring to the travel shop across the road. Well yeah, we are looking to snorkel, how are we to know he can set that up? So I ask how much, find out the rates are the same, and ask if he can set us up for a trip for the 5 of us, we will pay right now. His demeanor changes, he confirms dorm rooms for tomorrow, gives me access to wifi and takes our money for the trip. Then he begins to joke around with Joseph about his eyes and says to wear a condom with those sweet eyes. Uh, come again? He tells us a story about the time they had a girl who went through the dorm room trying to sleep with every guy. Ok? And again mentions to Joseph with those sweet eyes he can sleep with many girls to wear a condom. Uh, we try to explain Joseph is very happy with his girlfriend back in Sweden, but he's not getting it. Me thinks someone might be sweet on Joseph. We both are done with this conversation and start focusing on our iPhones. I make a comment about Mon and Josephs relationship on my facebook, and after Joe and I go back and forth a few times, joseph says sarcastically, "Oh yeah, cause I'm gay". Mon comes from behind the counter across the room and says, "What did you just say?" Joe blows it off and says oh nothing, he was clearly kidding. But oh no, Mon ain't letting it rest, again he says in an intrigued tone, eyes curiously wide open, "No, what did you just say? You just say something, what was it?" Joe and I laugh, Mon just confirmed what we both were suspecting. We again say it was nothing and drop it, but them I say to Joseph, "Work your magic, get a discount for our room, take one for the team!"

That night we head off to The Reggae Bar where they do Thai Kick Boxing every night. For the first few hours, westerners sign up to fight each other, which results in a free bucket of mixed drink and a t-shirt about the event. Of you could of seen the black eyes, bruises, and broken lips on these people, I think we can all agree it's not worth it. They also have happy hour deal where you get a bucket of rum & sprite for 100 baht, most others are 600 baht. So we all get one, the last poured mine as a double. It was evident she had a thing for me. I was feeling good about 30 minutes later after I polished it off with a grimace. Bleh. Then I met pretty much everyone in the bar as I went table to table making friends and meeting people. The Swedes call it a gift, I call it networking, lol. While I was up from the table, the bartender/waitress asks Manne (21) if I am his Dad, which he replies, YES. Then she asks his age, he lies and says 19, though he could pass for 16 easily. He says I am a young Dad and had I'm at 18, that I'm 37, which sadly is very near my age, and that I'm single. Thanks Manne.

We leave there around 11 and head to the beach party. There is a dance club and several bars, all open air, and all bouncing with throngs of people. We start at the neon dance club and kick it to Lady Gaga and Rihana, when fire catches our eyes. Literally, there are guys on the beach spinning and tossing fire logs into the air, about 50 meters away. So you know guys and fire, we are drawn to it like moths to a flame and spend the next 15 minites up wind watching in awe. After having our fill and with no end in sight or new tricks evident, we head back to the dance floor. I'm tired now and we have a long day tomorrow with the snorkeling trip, so our room collectively decides to head back, but Martin and Eric stay out.

We hit the showers quickly to cool down and rinse off, turn the fan on high, and hit the hay.

Nite nite from the iPhone Blogger!

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